SA Report: Subverted expectations
Trip Date: 8/30/2017
Location: North Rim (Grand Canyon National Park)
Permit/Pass: Vehicle - $30, Motorcycle - $25
Trail maps:
Directions: From Kanab, Utah, take Hwy 89A (also S 100 E) south toward the Arizona state line. Follow 89A for 36.6 miles as it goes through Fredonia, Arizona (where it turns toward the east), then turns south again to head up onto the Kaibab Plateau. Upon reaching the Jacob Lake area turn right onto AZ-67 S. Follow the road south through the forest for 40.6 more miles, passing through the national park kiosk and finally reaching the left turn onto Pt. Imperial Rd. Continue east on the road for about 5.5 miles before coming to a fork in the road. Turn right here and travel another 6.3 miles on Cape Royal Rd. to a left turn into the parking area.
Synopsis: Yet another of the excellent overlook points that dot this part of the canyon road. There is an interpretive sign at the trailhead, and the trail this time meanders through a meadow area as it jogs out to the viewpoint and back.
Trail sequence: Roosevelt Pt. Overlook trail
Type: Balloon loop
Distance: 0.3 miles
Rating: Easy (factors: altitude)
Notes: This trek can be extended out onto a further ridge by accessing what appears to be a use trail. We didn't have the time but it looks like a fun side trip.
Track: Roosevelt Pt. Overlook - Grand Canyon NP: AllTrails, GaiaGPS
Turn by Turn:
-- The trail begins at the northeast end of the parking area and heads directly north through some low brushy habitat. There may be a few spots where you'll have to push the the overgrown bushes, but eventually you'll break into the open again.
-- Beyond the viewpoint area the trail appears to continue along the ridge. We found what appeared to be a return spur leaving to the left and took that little trail. It wound up over the meadow and found the outbound trail again. From there retrace your steps back to the parking area.